A premium suite of 16 tools and utilities to perform several operations on PDF files.• SPLIT - Split a PDF file into multiple documents by specifying page points, number of output files or number of pages per file.• MERGE - Merge many PDFs into a single document.• DELETE PAGES - Delete specific pages from a PDF file.• EXTRACT PAGES - Extract specific pages from a PDF file. • LOCK - Add password to a PDF file.• UNLOCK - Remove password from a PDF file.• ROTATE PAGES - Rotate pages from portrait to landscape or vice-versa (90°, 180°, 270° clockwise)• COMPRESS SIZE - Compress and reduce size of PDF documents.• EXTRACT TEXT - Extract text from all or specific pages of the PDF into a text file.• EXTRACT IMAGES - Extract images from all or specific pages of the PDF.• IMAGES TO PDF - Create PDFs from images or screenshots.• TEXT TO PDF - Create PDFs from text or html files.• CROP PAGES - Remove irrelevant margins from top, bottom, left or right edge of the page.• REORDER PAGES - Change order of pages in the PDF file.• IMAGE WATERMARK - Add image watermarks. Scale image to different sizes and alter transparency.• TEXT WATERMARK - Add text watermarks, headers, footers and even page numbers. Change font type and transparency too.
- Perform operations on password protected (encrypted) files.- Change output folder for generated files.- Open or Share the output files straightaway.
NOTE: PDF compression highly depends on content inside the PDF. It may not work for all PDFs.
Please try the free (lite) version before you buy the PRO version.